Facebook acquires zoom virtually?

How facebook acquire Zoom?

Facebook acquires Zoom Facebook has announced that it will be launching Messenger Rooms, a free platform for video conferencing which can have up to fifty participants. It is hoping to compete with the success that Zoom has had during the Covid-19 pandemic. It has not really been able to enter the commercial marketplace in the same way as Zoom has. Facebook will not make money from the conferencing as such, but other products may be developed from the data the use of Messenger Rooms would provide.

Many more people are using video calling and messaging during the pandemic. With more people working from home, it is being used by businesses to host virtual meetings. People in lockdown are also using it to keep in touch with their friends and family. While there is no doubt that Zoom is the company which has benefited the most from this, the company has spoken about the fact that they may find it difficult to convert people using the service for free into paying customers.

Steps Facebook taken

Facebook have taken the first step to entering the video conferencing market by making Messenger available as a desktop app. The desktop version can be accessed by anyone, even if they do not have a Facebook account. The amount of people that are using the traditional Messenger which is accessed through Facebook on a desktop has increased by more than 100% in the time since lockdown measures were bought in across the globe.

The interface for the desktop version of Messenger is very similar to Apple’s iMessage platform. In the past Facebook has considered Apple to be its main competitor when it comes to messaging. The fact that Messenger is now much easier to use and more accessible means that Facebook has become a rival to Apple as well as Zoom.

How facebook rooms look like

Even if Facebook does make more of an impact in the video calling market, it will still face a similar problem to Zoom in that monetizing the service will be difficult. This is where Apple has a distinct advantage because their iMessage service is used by people that have already purchased one of their products.

Facebook acquires zoom

Since the pandemic began the number of people that are using Zoom has increased to 200 million. The platform is being used all over the world and not just for commercial reasons. People are using it to hold social gatherings such as quiz nights, birthday parties and even religious services virtually.

The success that the company has had has led people to wander whether Facebook may just try to acquire it, but this is something that seems unlikely for a number of reasons.

When Facebook acquired Instagram it was able to do so because it argued that the two platforms were not in competition with each other. The claim was made that Facebook allowed people to connect with their social network in various ways, whereas Instagram was only for sharing photos and videos.

With the launch of Messenger Rooms it seems as if Facebook and Zoom are in direct competition. The infrastructure that Facebook has will be far superior to that which is in place at Zoom. There have also been security issues at Zoom such as online Kindergarten classes being hacked. This is something that Facebook would not want to be associated with.

Tech experts have also suggested that there may be other reasons why Facebook just wouldn’t be interested in a takeover of Zoom. The biggest of these reasons is the uncertainty of whether there will be so much of a demand for the services that Zoom provides once the pandemic is over. Some businesses have indicated that they will be happy for their employees to continue working from home and so Zoom may still be in demand commercially. However, when people are able to meet up with their friends and family again in person, then demand from this sector is likely to drop.

Zoom value

Zoom is currently valued at around $46 million. Facebook investors may not be too keen to spend that amount of money on a company which does not actually offer something that Facebook really needs. This is not too say that an acquisition could never happen, but it is not something that seems likely anytime soon.

What Google did

google rooms vs zoom

Meantime Facebook and zoom compete get the share the king Google add rooms feature to their Gmail the most used service in the world

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