How to change lifestyle with a blog ?

How to change lifestyle with a blog

What it takes to change lifestyle with a blog?

Blogging can change your lifestyle and living for good. But certain things need to be done certain way…

if you do blogging part time or fulltime thats doesnot matter to success. Success depend on sometime consistant. So keep blogging and you can make change in your lifestyle for sure.

here small cheat sheet for you to follow..


Step 1 : Setting up a frame work

start a blog or website is just like a organization,,to succesful organization you need a fram work
or platform,,most website and blogs stay or host on wordpress and other clude base servres
and you need a domain name that no one used before it can be your name or brand name you like

Finding a domain name is very your name, a creative name or a keyword that you want to talk could be your domain name. this all can be done by a hosting company

i mean to run a web site on a framwork like wordpres or anyither you need hosting servers
we recomemend host gotor or Ipage great hosting services that have good track records. most hosting servers offer wordpress one click installation sosetting this frame work is not that hard.

Step 2: Creating your blog and what is it about

as mentions on setp one setting thing up is easy only you need is small budget for that. But went it comes to buinding you web site or blog that should be more specific,if you selcet your name or brand name or keyword always it should run buy your passion or hobby
something that you always like to talk about or share about.How to change lifestyle with a blog

Passion your interests – Your web space to write about whatever you like. or love a hobby or your knowledage.
Your name Brand – its just like your vertual bia data or resume to build about your and your profile if people want to find you they just can search you by name and read about you..
Business – post infmration about your business or comoany and creating posts content around it and recomened products and services.

what ever reason you did build the blog it need constatant long term if you not get results what you looking from your investments on setting this thing up most give up not seeing results,,so it important you do it resulally and keep share new content daily.

Step 3: Creating great content will make you or borke

there are million of blogs ot there in the web but most leave with spce dust.
to be get attention from all over and stand out from all above you need to find or create great content. not only that because of too many blogs out there you always need to be focus on narrow down a nich that
you like about and wanty to blog about. with out being generic and beining targeted on narrow down your niche market

according to word press right now there produce about 69.5 million new posts and 46.8 million new comments each month.

so you have to stand out by being authority of that keyword or niche.

Step 4: Get eye balls visit and followers to your site

this is where rubber meets roads, the mian thing you need to focus on once you get going with daily piosting and maintain your blog

even you made the world best conetnt it always need littile push to run the machin
so you can find same intrest or relavant sites and ask them if they find any love with your content

and also guest blog with like to your site
social share is always matters making link juice

create chear sheets just like these you read much better use graphics and images.

do your research and find ways to drive traffic to your blog or site. even use paid advertsing if you need fast results but usual blogs are long term assets that can generate money over time.

Step 5: always be the authority inyour keyword or niche

If you done all above 4 steps right you will become authority of your skeyword with out any problem
remember you have to keep it up
becoase there always competion and comptetors might out rank you at any time.

so To become the authority in your space, you must be very knowledgeable on what you are writing about and also provide value with purpose.

once you have that autority power your door to success and life style change will come soon
so yes you can really change your life style just being a great blogger you can do events and invite to other experts iinteview them and post them on your blog and share it with world.

here we have two main host services that run million of web sites on word press and other 3rd party web site or blog framworks start your bloging jouny today with their help..


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