LMG what Lifestyle Marketing Group Matrix scam or what?
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Here Lifestyle Marketing Group Review LMG reviews all you looking for. Read before join. We are surprised just after we wrote about Tradera residual matrix now we start to listen to the LMG matrix program. LMG stands for the Lifestyle Marketing Group.
This review is about lmg50.com not all other similar named companies, projects or anything that relate to Lifestyles Marketing Group, Inc
Here we go selling the desires to newbies who want to get into this Online home-based business industry. as soon as we see these flashy boat yachts cars we can imagine what type of low-quality program is this.

Why should newbies stay away from LMG Matrix Comp plans?
What happens in the industry now few super affiliates or Gurus who know marketing and get into heads of poor newbies who have big dreams and desires to make extra income online. They get them 1st and give big smiles and use their social influence strategies and get them to these type of Matrix programs. nothing wrong with the company who wants to help people make side income online second income hope is important to owners and people who want extra income but it should be is a legit way. Lifestyle Marketing Group overview.
so Experienced markets always can do that get people into their downline and even help their teams but Matrix work when the chain goes on and on. after while when the top guys make enough money helping his downlines he gets sick of it and jumps into another program like this. we just saw few well-known marketing leaders who just jump from Tradera to LMG lifestyle marketing group review and share it with their poor friends giving them so much useless bonus or selling their ow info products and get them to those Matrix programs and..
they can not build that big downlines like those guru marketers so now start to fall one by one so whole system fall.. what happens is those leaders get a promise from these new people top stay at least 3 to 6 months with the program.
What LMG Leaders all about ?
The bad thing with this Matrix if their lots of heavy hitter on top they take the matric as much as they can so down line can see money from their upline. lets get into Lifestyle Marketing Group review.
so they try to stay at least 3 to 6 months trying their best. but it takes much time to learn the strategies and build the skill;ls by that time Matrix already fall apart and.. do you know who is going to suffer?
poor newbies, they will be lost money big time and by that time all those top leaders made their money back and even if they put money to buy web traffic ( web traffic means real people just like you and me who looking for making money online so they can buy us as we looking for make money so we join solo ads vendors email list we google we search so they get us anyways so. we but that desire and invest 3 months and going lost money.
Let’s see what Lifestyle Marketing Group offers?
Lifestyle Marketing Group Review cont what they has to offer?
According to their website, LMG review. Lifestyle Marketing Group dash baord.

They claim to give DFY mean Done for you type marketing campaigns
They are sharing some information and says businesses ready to use business automation 451% and an increase in qualifying people who show interest in that specific business. And they also say creating content to get attention is a challenge.
That’s true but that’s why people has to outsource the content for skilled people not automation using software that scrape content from the web that’s what another software company called Raoyaltie does too ( another programming software we do not recommend for newbies very expensive monthly price.
say what….
2nd thing they offer they say they do Automated sales funnels..
There is no such a thing that can offer we have to buy a software our seld and have to buit it or have to out soucre. its not that expensive.. what expensive is when these type of top leader come up with these aotopmation softwa all in one can cost new small home busines owners lost of money over time. actualy these leader owe money for this new people.
They say LMG automated sales funnels nurture affiliate or member’s props[ectss through each stage of the sales process, that’s right and warming up those cold leads and notify when there are getting hot..lol!
but read this right when you use those all in one software those email no even land on the inbox of those prospects they going directly to spam… that’s why it is very important to have software for each thing. and new people do not understand it,, if you go and see what those leaders do.. they do exactly what we say.. they have each tool for each thing.
but they can claim when you are new you can have them all each.. but same time when you are new you do not have big list so you can find cheap or free email marketing systems. that not what leader those fake guru not say.
What memberships options they got?
They Got too many. it call by cards
White Card ,You get White Card when you join LMG Lifestyle Marketing Group for FREE.
Blue Card, You will receive the Blue Card when you buy the LMG Lifestyle Marketing Group Starter Package paid. ( pay to play game- Not recommended.
Lifestyle Marketing Group Review crads, Lifestyle Marketing Group Review
Bronze Card
You will receive the Bronze Card when you have made 2 referals to the LMG Community.
Silver Card
You will receive the Silver Card when you have made 5 personal referrals in total and your monthly commission has exceeded $2,000.
Gold Card
You will receive the Gold Card when you have made 10 personal referrals in total and your monthly commission has exceeded $10,000.
Platinum Card
You will receive the Platinum Card when you have made 15 personal referrals in total and your monthly commission has exceeded $50,000.
Diamond Card
You will receive the Diamond Card when you have made 20 personal referrals in total and your monthly commission has exceeded $100,000.
Black Card
You will receive the Black Card when you have made 25 personal referrals in total and your monthly commission has exceeded $1,000,000.
Lifestyle Marketing Group Review
What Business model LMG use?
They call it Revolutionary Business Model good old Matrix Pyramid type compensation plans which you never can advertise in google. your ad account may get banned for life.
They say that the biz model bring passive income as members pay to play. Our point is if you build skills and products you always get free opportunities to make passive income second income online no need this Matrix biz models.
Lifestyle Marketing Group says about section people can get properties their home, a brand new vehicle, a boat, motorbikes. Our Opinion not with this program you always can have them with legit local financial institutions.
Lifestyle Marketing Group has a goal to change the financial leasing world and they want to give the opportunity to people to learn how they call it a disruptive business model that already exists. They are planning to make Matrix millionaires.. Our opinion: what going to happen all the owners and top leaders make big money and downlines will struggle to pay money to those uplines which fail method.
Lifestyle Marketing Group wants to show their paid members how easy to use this payment to play Matrix which owners can make good money everyone needs to help people to have a great life no need these poor quality Ponzi methods to make income online. Our company’s culture is people empowering people to enhance their lifestyle.
We want help people to find their passion and superpowers they already have wand build skills and create a product around it and help other people who need it and make an impact with that we do not recommend these type of Matrix building programs and we highly recommend staying away from it you lucky you see this article.
Verdict – conclusion for LMG
lifestyle marketing group reviews the final opinion. ist stay away from that leader who promotes it they not love you or care really they want quick money and show some desires to make money with them.
2nd we do not recommend these types of programs. we told this 10 years plus struggles and winning we had over the years so we know what works for newbies.
here what we recommend go here and click create free ac and learn and earn no need to pay to play.

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