.com domain website pricing
Own com domain website? So here we go .com monopoly Verisign start to demand to the price of .com domains.

Counzila finds this insider information for web users so you guys can take action before everyone else. Right now we got so much classifieds data to share with you our visitors to educate why this situation very important. that will affect the price of your.COM domains.
What is this .com price increase buzz?
Recently about a month ago Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers short ICANN, the organization that taking care activities domain names also announced big huge changes to the old Verisign domain register contract it has with Verisign Inc. Verisign has the monopoly to run all the .COM and .com top-level domain (TLD), Grant by US government years ago.
Unfortunately, ICANN may make these changes in secret, without consulting or incorporating feedback from the real people users, ICANN community or Internet domain owners. It’s not www secret that ICANN has a list of events happened in the past like these without nobody knowes like behind sense. The problem arise when it ignoring unified opposition against such action.
We have to focus on leading the fight against price increases that will affect for .com users/owners (and the millions of.com domains its Internet as a whole). This is a crucial time to raise our voices given that .COM domains make up 41% of all registered domain names online.
What does this change mean?
Wholesale registries charge Domain resellers like Godaddy or Namecheap a set fee per domain name per year. But with this new agreement effect, Verisign inc will be allowed to increase the wholesale price to registrars for .COM domains every year coming year maybe the next 10 years, and if we do not take action those increases don’t stop there.
This will mean that .COM wholesale domain prices can grow by more than 70% over the course and current prices will go so high over the next decade. The contract also allows for other price increases, which could drive prices up further, ultimately making.COM domains less accessible and more expensive for everybody.
Why is ICANN doing this?
Alongside these contract changes, Verisign agreed to pay ICANN an additional $20 million dollars over five years to support ICANN’s domain name system initiatives, without any clarity about how ICANN will spend the money, or who will ensure that the funds are properly spent on domain infrastructure.
So, what can you do to help?
These changes will have a significant impact on the Internet for years to come, and only ICANN and Verisign have participated in this decision. If you want to make sure your voice is heard, let ICANN know how you feel about their recent decision. You may try to make your opinion count two ways go here before February 14, 2020.
You can participate in the petition created by change long on the.COM proposal change log petition form.
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