How get more social media clicks?
If you want more clicks social media engaging works. engnage more on socail meda will leads to get more eye balls into your web pages,site or offer.
Social media networks and engagement depend on How viral your content go. So you could be creative and test many images,headlines questions and post them
Use fire words to attract more eyes into your posts like Free, re tweet,check out, better call will engage more..that means more social clicks for you.
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its always nice if you can post short senetcnces on media people love short and sweet idea to read more and share.
find out time frames that more people on socail midea and post on that time. most facebook user come on mornings and pinterest works on week ends and twitter mostly work on fridays..etc.
Hashtags .use them all the time hashtags do show up on twitter facebook and pinterest serach,,so always use hash tags,,but dont use it over..just one or two hashtags that relavant to your post.
Pinterets,twiiter facebook google plus,,all users love image posts so make sure you add a relavnat image that drive more traffic into your post.
if they allow links add your link fisrt on your post and ask them to check it out..don’t be shy
always find best conent and relavant to your audience and share it. people will love it.